---Página NEUF---
Cuando empecé a construir este espacio,
tomando a Alanis como punto de partida,
tal vez no veía por completo todo lo que
implica la expresión musical... y no digo que ahora lo sepa,
es simplemente que la música, como la quieran
definir, ha formado parte esencial de esta búsqueda silenciosa...
y ahora lo veo un poco más palpable con el
proyecto que traemos por ahí...
que pronto saldrá también a la luz... ahhh!!!
Pero bueno... continuaré con esto en otro
Entertain me for the tenth hour in a row
Anesthetize me with your gossip and any
random anecdotes and
Fill every hour with activity or ear candy
Drop me off at intersections in my city
And keep me in this state
And keep me purgatorying
And sing me back to sleep
This is far more than I have bargained for
Start every week with a break neek urgent design
And end every speed day with my brifcase representing free time
Spending my fruit as purchases become my
Please give me my love to my family
I’ll be doubtfully be home at Christmas
Don’t disturb me in this state
Please leave me purgatorying
I’ll be damned if I’m to awake
This is far more than I’m equipped for
I’ve held you up like a daity like you are the
Sole owner of wings
This unrequited tunnel vision and I wonder
I’ve not been writing
Please keep me in this state
Please keep me purgatorying
Who am I to be blue
Look at my family and fortune
Look at my friend at my house
Who am I to feel dead and
Who am I to feel spent
Look at my health and my money
And where do I go to feel good
Why do I still look outside of me
When clearly I’ve seen it won’t work
Is it my calling to keep on when I’m unable
Is it my job to be selfless extraordinare
My generosity has me disabled
By this sense of duty to offer
Why do I feel so ungrateful
Me who is far beyond survival
Me who’s seen life as an oyster
An how dare I rest on my laurels
How dare I ignore an outstreched
How dare I ignore a third world country
Who, who am I to be blue
I had disengaged to avoid being totaled
I would run away and say good riddance
soon enough
I had grown disgusted by your small-minded
To imagine myself bolting had not been
Soon be my life
Soon be my pace
Soon be my choice of which you’ll have
no part of
Unprodigal daughter and I’m heading for the west
Disenchanted daughter and this plane
Cannot fly fast enough
Unencumbered daughter hit the ground
running at last
I’d invite you but I’m busy being unoppressed
I hit the ground running altough I know what toward
I hit the town reeling forgetting all that
came before
I felt primed and ready once surounded by the palms
I felt culture shocked but dissuaded I was
This is my town
This is my voice
This is my taste of wich
you’ve had no part of
One day I’ll be saddle back and speak of
foreign adventures
One day I’ll double back and tell you
about these
Unfettered years
One day I’ll took back and feel something
Other than relieved
Glad that I left when I did before
“no dear you
can’t” got the best of me
I’d speak of artistry you would roll your
eyes skyward
When I’d speak of spirituality you would
label it absurd
When I spoke of possibility you would
frown and shake your head
If I had stayed much longer I’d have
surely imploded
These are my words
These is my house
These are my friends of wich you’ve had no part of